Inspection Reports
School inspections are undertaken ‘to provide information to parent, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive. School inspections are required by law.’ (Ofsted, School Inspections: a guide for parents, 2018, p.3).
The King's School was last inspected by Ofsted in April 2014. The school was judged to be ‘outstanding’ in all areas and was also judged ‘outstanding’ in its previous inspection in 2011. We are very proud of this external validation of the school’s work with students and it reflects the high quality education that young people at the school receive on a day to day basis.
The most recent report celebrated the high quality teaching and strong relationships that staff have with students, the outstanding 6th form provision and the enrichment opportunities that exist within the school.
‘Students make outstanding progress from their starting points.’
‘Teachers know their students exceptionally well and use this knowledge to plan and adapt lessons to meet their needs.’
‘The quality of teaching over time is outstanding because teachers have high expectations and manage their classes very well.’
‘The behaviour of students both around the school and in classrooms is exemplary. Positive relationships between staff and students, based on mutual respect, mean that learning is able to progress rapidly.’
‘The school takes great care of its students and as a result they feel extremely safe.’
‘Students are involved in a rich variety of activities outside of normal lessons and these make an exceptional contribution to students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.’
‘The sixth form is outstanding. The number of excellent opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills is particularly striking.’