Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to The King’s School and thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
I hope that you find the information useful and it gives you an insight into our very special school community.
The King’s School is an 11-18 comprehensive school with approximately 1110 students of which 185 are in the Sixth Form. It has a long and proud history that can be traced back to a fourteenth century choir school which was replaced in 1545 by Henry VIII and renamed ‘The King’s School’. Although The King’s School became an academy in 2011 we continue to work in close partnership with Devon County Council, our partner primary and secondary schools and local businesses to ensure that we offer the best educational opportunities possible to our students
We value every person at The King’s School and are driven by an underlying philosophy captured in three words - ‘Achievement for All’. We believe that every child deserves the best possible education, regardless of background and ability, and we work with determination to ensure that we unlock their potential. Our aspiration is that the experiences of students at the school ensure that they achieve the highest possible academic and personal outcomes. The school has been graded ‘outstanding’ by OFSTED in its last two inspections, the most recent of which was in 2014, supporting the school’s belief that it is a fantastic school community to be part of.
The students, staff and wider community are very proud of The King’s School. Year on year the school achieves very strong academic outcomes at GCSE and A Level and students make good progress during their time at the school. This is as a result of the hard work of students and highly skilled and knowledgeable staff who teach, guide and support our students. Beyond the academic successes, the school takes great care of its students and there is a rich variety of activities that take place beyond the classroom to enrich the curriculum. These opportunities include student leadership, Ten Tors, Duke of Edinburgh, mathematics challenges, public speaking, dance, art, drama, prefect roles, fundraising, UK based and overseas visits, work experience opportunities and our highly valued ‘Project Week’. The school also has a vibrant and, at times, competitive House system which provides a focal point for many of these activities. We believe that it is these activities which help make our students successful in and outside the classroom.
I feel very privileged to be the Headteacher of The King’s School. I am a parent of three children educated at the school, as well as a member of the local community, and am therefore absolutely committed to the school continuing to be successful for every child. We always welcome visitors and we look forward to meeting you.
Rob Gammon