How to Apply
Although The King’s School is an academy we are adhering to the criteria for admissions to Year 7 as used by the Local Authority – Devon County Council. All schools have a limited number of places they can offer in Year 7 for new children joining the school - this is called the Published Admission Number (or PAN). For The King’s School this has been set at 180. If we receive fewer applications than the number of places available, then places can be offered to everyone who wants one. However, for many, many years The King’s School has been over-subscribed with many more applications for places than we have available. In this case, we work with Devon using the oversubscription criteria below to prioritise places. They are a part of our admission arrangements which are determined annually after a public consultation, hosted here:
Our 2024/25 admissions policy can be found on our policy page (About/Policy Documents) together with previous documents.
The oversubscription criteria for 2024/25 are:
- Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order including those who appear to the admission authority to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Priority will next be given to children living within the catchment area set out in our map,8 who are siblings of pupils on roll at this school
- Priority will next be given to children of members of staff10 who have been employed at this school for more than two years or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.
- Priority will next be given to other children living within the catchment area, on roll at a named linked school.11
- Priority will next be given to other children living within the catchment area.
- Priority will next be given to children living outside the catchment area, who are siblings of pupils on roll at this school.
- Priority will next be given to other children living outside the catchment area, on roll at a named linked school.
- Priority will next be given to other children.
Further information regarding the over-subscription criteria can be found at the web address shown below. There are no selection tests and students of all talents and abilities are welcome, providing we can accommodate their needs.
Maps of our catchment area can be found at:
Devon’s education helpline is 0845 155 1019. Further information and leaflets are available online from: DCC further information.
School Admissions Online
You can apply from home 24 hours a day, seven days a week for a place in our new Year 7 intake - it’s quick and easy to use and there is no risk that your application will be lost in the post. You can apply for a Secondary School place by clicking on this link from September to the end of October.
In-Year Admissions
A number of our students join the school after the age of eleven as a result of transferring schools or moving into the area. Parents of such students can make an appointment in advance to visit the school but they are required to apply through Devon Local Authority, where the in-year admissions criteria will be used when considering any application for a place at the school outside of the normal Year 7 admissions route. The in-year admissions oversubscription criteria are those detailed above without the priority for children at partner or linked primary schools. As far as possible, students will be transferred onto appropriate courses. The greatest difficulties arise when students transfer during their GCSE course. This is more difficult to accommodate as different schools follow different courses run by different examination boards. We provide a list of the school’s examination syllabuses at GCSE and it is always helpful to consider these in advance.