Charitable Links
In 2017 the school raised over £11,000 for charitable causes. Not only is this good for the charities concerned but great for the personal development of students. Students are asked to take the lead on charitable activities running shows, concerts, coffee mornings, mini enterprises or fun days. Some of our students use these experiences as a key lever to get into top jobs and top universities.
Although the activities which raise money for charities are wide-ranging, some of the major charitable activities that we engage in are:
- Raising money for equipment at our partner school and Children's Home in India
- Raising money and collecting Christmas “shoeboxes” for children in Moldova
- Raising money for a wide range of charities through our Year 10 Mini Enterprise project
- Raising money for Children in Need and Red Nose Day through many varied activities
The School Parliament consults on which charities to support for non-uniform days that are held throughout the year.
The School’s “MAD” (Make a Difference) Group engage in a variety of charitable activity including “Random Acts of Kindness” and leading on the shoebox appeal. They meet on a regular basis and any member of the school is welcome to join.
In July each year we hold a Fun Afternoon where each tutor group runs a stall. In 2017 over £1000 was raised with the money being split between three different charities.